Unlike the rest of Europe, there was no strong population growth in France in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. Its pillars of immigration policy are to regulate migratory flows in and out of France, facilitate immigrants' integration and promote French identity, honor the French tradition's principle of welcoming political asylum and promote solidarity within the immigrant population (principle of co-development). Im Mittelalter waren schließlich mehr als ein Viertel der europäischen Bevölkerung Franzosen; im 17. For example, the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. conducted a public opinion poll in February 2004 among French nationals. To tackle critical labour shortages, France also decided to participate in the EU Blue Card. Cannes (/ k æ n, k ɑː n /; French: ; Occitan: Canas) is a city located on the French Riviera.It is a commune located in the Alpes-Maritimes department, and host city of the annual Cannes Film Festival, Midem, and Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.The city is known for its association with the rich and famous, its luxury hotels and restaurants, and for several conferences. 17/12/2020 Euro area: The first estimate for euro area exports of goods to the rest of the world in October 2020 was €199.3 billion, a decrease of 9.0% compared with October 2019 (€219.0 bn). In 2019, employment increased in all three branches of the civil service. [71][72] Without considering citizenship at birth, people not born in metropolitan France and their direct descendants made up 30% of the population aged 18–50 in metropolitan France as of 2008.[94]. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as a U.S. dollar has in the United States. Die Demografie Frankreichs wird vom Nationalen Institut für Statistik und Wirtschaft (INSEE) überwacht. Frankreich liegt damit im Mittelfeld unter den OECD-Staaten. French of Maghrebi origin form the largest ethnic group after French of European origin. Die Ungleichheit ist in Frankreich niedriger als in vielen anderen europäischen Ländern und die Franzosen verfügen im Durchschnitt über ein relativ hohes privates Vermögen, welches im Mittel deutlich über dem in Deutschland liegt. Italien. The City of Paris is the centre and seat of government of the Île-de-France , … After World War II, the French fertility rate rebounded considerably, as noted above, but economic growth in France was so high that new immigrants had to be brought into the country. France had to open its doors to immigration, which was the only way to prevent population decline between the two world wars.[74]. [63] Part of a parliamentary bill that would have permitted the collection of data for the purpose of measuring discrimination was rejected by the Conseil Constitutionnel in November 2007. [137], France has been influenced by the different human migrations that occurred throughout Europe over time. Mailingliste - Mehr sehen. GDP (official exchange rate): This entry gives the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. ; Pinwinkler, Alexander: "Bevölkerungsgeschichte" in der frühen Bundesrepublik Deutschland: konzeptionelle und … Source: Louis Henry and Yves Blayo.[23]. Population statistics prior to the modern era are historical estimates as official counts were not made. However, immigration from Asia (especially China), as well as from Sub-Saharan Africa (Senegal, Mali) is gaining in importance. Weiteren Zentren stellen die Mittelmeerküste mit den Hafenstädten Marseille und Nizza, der Großraum Lyon im Osten und die Region um Lille im Norden dar. [1] Dieses wird als France métropolitaine bezeichnet und gilt als eigentliches Kernland, während die Überseegebiete ein Erbe des Kolonialismus sind. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. The population of France is growing by 1,000,000 people every three years- an average annual increase of 340,000 people, or +0.6%. Einige Historiker vermuten, dass das Deutsche Reich Frankreich 1914 angriff, da es vermutete, die gealterte Nation schnell besiegen zu können. Immigrants are concentrated in Île-de-France, Rhone-Alpes, Provence and Côte d'Azur regions, accounting for 60% of the total immigrant population. Mean age of women having their first birth: 29.9 years-old. Einwohner gestiegen. História Pré-história. It is based on fairly good data for the entire period. However, the country's population sharply increased with the baby boom following World War II. [136], According to a 2015 estimate of CIA World Factbook the numbers are: Christian (overwhelmingly Roman Catholic) 63-66%, Muslim 7-9%, Jewish 0.5-0.75%, Buddhist 0.5-0.75%, other 0.5-1.0%, none 23-28%. "[9] With a total fertility rate of 1.87 in 2019,[3] France however remains the most fertile country in the European Union. [53] Frankreich wendet einen Anteil von 11,5 % des Bruttoinlandsprodukt für sein Gesundheitssystem auf und belegt damit hinter der Schweiz den zweiten Rang in Europa. Today, it is the rest of Europe that has very low fertility rates, and countries like Germany or Spain avoid population decline only through immigration. In Q3 2020, the producer costs in construction increased by 0.4%. ACEA Report: Vehicles in use – Europe 2019 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The EU passenger car fleet grew by 8% over the last five years, with the number of cars on the road rising from 248 million in 2014 to 268 million in 2018 – see page 3. The country's large population gave Napoleon a seemingly limitless supply of men for the Grande Armée, but the birth rate began to fall in the late 1700s;[15] thus population growth was quite slow in the 19th century, and the nadir was reached in the first half of the 20th century when France, surrounded by the rapidly growing populations of Germany and the United Kingdom, had virtually zero growth. The regions of emigrations also widened, with new immigrants now coming from sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In October 2020 compared with September 2020, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector increased by 0.5% in the euro area and by 0.9% in the EU, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. 1,112 Followers, 590 Following, 874 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from David Berger (@davidbergerberlin) Irak. [30], Die Mehrheit der Christen gehört der römisch-katholischen Kirche an. (2009), "Phylogeography of French male lineages (supplemental data from 23rd International ISFG Congress held from September 14 to 18, 2009 in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires)", Forensic Science International 2: 439–441, "Sample collection was performed drawing blood of unrelated male individuals with French surname after informed consent", Ramos-Luisa et al. [73], In the 20th century, France experienced a high rate of immigration from other countries. [11] Der Erste Weltkrieg stellte für das Land ein beispielloses Desaster dar, welches zu einem nationalen Trauma wurde. [1] [2] A presença humana lá parece ter sido contínua durante o Neolítico. While the UK (along with Ireland and Sweden and non-EU members Norway and Switzerland) did not impose restrictions, France put in place controls to curb Eastern European migration. [52] Die Lebenserwartung in Frankreich betrug 2017 im Durchschnitt 82,5 Jahre (Frauen: 85,7 Jahre/ Männer: 79,5 Jahre) und belegt damit einen weltweiten Spitzenplatz. Ramos-Luisa et al. 18/12/2020. The French population only grew by 8.6% between 1871 and 1911, while Germany's grew by 60% and Britain's by 54%. Durch Migration und höhere Geburtenraten nimmt der Anteil an ethnischen Minderheiten zu. From 1935 deaths exceeded births; the press widely discussed the country's decreasing population. [97] Immigrants from the Maghreb are commonly referred to as beur, a verlan slang term derived from the word arabe (French for Arab). 2019 FILM Demographie-Kompetenzzentrum Oberfranken Das Projekt wird gefördert durch. Two out of five foreigners are from Portugal, Algeria or Morocco. Age structures of the France métropolitaine from the year 1740 to 1860. [54][55], Das Schulsystem in Frankreich ist zentralisiert und besteht aus den drei Stufen Grundschulbildung, Sekundarschulbildung und Hochschulbildung. According to a poll conducted in 2001 for French Catholic magazine La Croix, 69% of respondents were Roman Catholic (only 10% being listed as regular churchgoers), 22% agnostic or atheist, 2% Protestant (Calvinist, Lutheran, Anglican and Evangelical), and 7% belonged to other religions. in this period went from 5300 to 11,000 people. Immigrants tend to be subjected to higher rates of unemployment. [111], Americans total more than 100,000[112] permanent residents in France, Canadians 11,931,[113] followed by Latin Americans, are a growing subgroup, the most numerous of which are Brazilians, at 44,622;[114] followed by Colombians, at 40,000, Venezuelans, at 30,000;[115] Peruvians, at 22,002;[116] Argentineans, at 11,899;[117] and Chileans, 15,782.[118]. This study reveals "that the southern French population from Marseilles is related genetically to the southwestern Europeans and North Africans, who are geographically close" and that "a substantial gene flow has thus probably been present among the populations of these neighboring areas".[141]. Expatica is the international community’s online home away from home. Heute zählt Frankreich zu den Ländern mit einer im europaweiten Vergleich relativ hohen Fertilitätsrate von ca. Gibert M, Reviron D, Mercier P, Chiaroni J, Boetsch G. Institut national d'études démographiques, Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, Provisional Government of the French Republic, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Institut français des relations internationales, French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Codevelopment, United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, List of French people of immigrant origin, List of fifteen largest French metropolitan areas by population, "Espérance de vie à divers âges et taux de mortalité infantile, France", "Bilan démographique 2016 - Insee Première - 1630", "Qui sont les nouveaux immigrés qui vivent en France ? Meanwhile, 14% of all immigrants who settled in France that year were from Asian countries: 3% of China and 2% in Turkey while America and Oceania constitute 10% of Americans and Brazilians accounted for higher percentage, 2% each. 80 % (1960 noch ca. [6], France was historically Europe's most populous country. Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. Die meisten Einwanderer waren Portugiesen, Italiener, Spanier sowie Araber und Berber aus Nordafrika. [1][3], In March 2017, the population of France officially reached the 67,000,000 mark. By the beginning of the twentieth century, other European countries, such as Germany and Russia, had caught up with France and overtaken it in number of people. [51], Das französische Gesundheitssystem ist eines der allgemeinen Gesundheitsversorgung, das größtenteils von der staatlichen Krankenversicherung finanziert wird. French is the only official language of France, and is constitutionally required to be the language of government and administration. 12 Millionen Einwohnern. The 2019 population report gives France's population estimated on January 1, 2020 and the evolution of population statistics since 1982: population on January 1, births, deaths, marriages. Our "Spinning Back Clique" panel weighs in on Dana White's attempt to dunk on the media for its early coverage of COVID-19. (In fact, with its low birth rate, stagnating or declining native-born population, and role as a destination for migrants from other parts of Europe, France's situation before World War II was not unlike that of Germany today.). [132] A study by the CSA Institute conducted in 2003 with a sample of 18,000 people found that 65.3% considered themselves Roman Catholic, while 27% considered themselves atheists, and 12.7% (8,065,000 people) belonged to a religion other than Catholicism. [42] Die Migration aus dem Ausland hat eine lange Geschichte und zu einem bedeutenden Teil zum Bevölkerungswachstum beigetragen. Verschiedene Regionen spiegeln dieses vielfältige Erbe wider, mit bretonischen Einflüssen in Westfrankreich, aquitanischen im Südwesten, skandinavischen im Nordwesten, alemannischen im Nordosten und ligurischen Einflüssen im Südosten. A law from 1872 prohibits the French Republic from conducting a census by making any official distinction between its citizens in terms of race or religious beliefs, so French demographics can be a bit hard to … Es kam allerdings zu Abwanderung in die französischen Kolonien, vor allem nach Algerien. They are in an intermediate position between the North Africans (Algerians from Algiers and Oran; Tunisians) and the western Europeans populations (France, Spain, and Portugal)". Gleichzeitig hatten 39,6 % der Bevölkerung keine Religion (Atheisten oder Agnostizismus), 5,6 % waren Muslime, 2,5 % waren Anhänger anderer Glaubensrichtungen und die übrigen 0,4 % waren unentschlossen über ihren Glauben. Statistics Explained, your guide to European statistics. France lost 10% of its active male population in World War I; the 1.3 million French deaths, along with even more births forgone by potential fathers being off at war, caused a drop of 3 million in the French population, and helped make Dénatalité a national obsession; by 1920 ANAPF had 40,000 members, and in July that year a new law strictly regulated abortion and contraception. 0,5 % pro Jahr. [47] Frankreich schneidet bei verschiedenen sozioökonomischen Kriterien im weltweiten Vergleich gut und ab und verfügt über einen der weltweit höchsten Lebensstandards. Die Zugehörigkeit zu dieser wird in Frankreich stärker über kulturelle und linguistische Kriterien definiert als allein über die ethnische Abstammung. [107] One can further analyse the trend in relation to education. Remagen - 06.06.2019, 09:00 Uhr 0 Ein Demographie-Bericht der Apothekerkammer bescheinigt dem französischen Apothekenmarkt, dass das Apothekennetz gut … In rund einem Drittel (31 %) dieser Haushalte lebte laut Ergebnissen des Mikrozensus mindestens eine Person ab 65 Jahren. $112,009 (2019 est.) Folgende Tabelle gibt Überblick über die historische Bevölkerungsentwicklung von Frankreich (Metropolitan):[16][17]. … Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)