Jordanien. Juni 2009 in Oldenburg. It is, in fact, the highest in Europe after Ireland (the EU) and Albania (perhaps higher than Ireland's) and so most population growth is due to natural increase, unlike in the other European countries. They are a sign of the securitization aspect of immigration, giving more power to the police, allowing them to perform random identity checks and deport immigrants without legal papers. Euro area: The first estimate for euro area exports of goods to the rest of the world in October 2020 was €199.3 billion, a decrease of 9.0% compared with October 2019 (€219.0 bn). GDP (official exchange rate): This entry gives the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. … Finden.. Frage: Wie ist die Bevölkerung von Frankreich? [15][16], ANAPF proposed that parents of large families receive extra votes, and the belief that women's suffrage in other countries caused birth rates to decline helped defeat proposals before World War II to permit women to vote. about 2.4 million people in a span of 7 years), making France one of the fastest-growing countries in Europe. Thus, EU nationals immigrating to France comprise 1.2 million people, and 1.1 million people are from the three Maghreb countries of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. 65.017.000 davon lebten im französischen Mutterland, dem europäischen Festland. [11] Der Erste Weltkrieg stellte für das Land ein beispielloses Desaster dar, welches zu einem nationalen Trauma wurde. GDP - per capita (PPP): This entry shows GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of 1 July for the same year. More than one million people from the Maghreb immigrated in the 1960s and early 1970s from North Africa, especially Algeria (following the end of French rule there)[citation needed]. About 5.5 million are of European origin and 4 million of Maghrebi origin. [105], The immigration rate is currently lower than in other European countries such as United Kingdom and Spain; however, some say it is unlikely that the policies in themselves account for such a change. [108], For example, according to the UK Office for National Statistics, between July 2001 and July 2004, the population of the UK increased by 721,500 inhabitants, of which 242,800 (34%) was due to natural increase, 478,500 (66%) to immigration. Überprüfen Sie unsere anderen Visualisierungen. On 3 November 2011 it hosted … Immigrants aged 18 to 50 count for 2.7 million (10% of population age 18–50) and 5 million for all ages (8% of population). Des réfugiés musulmans qui fuyaient la Reconquista espagnole, et plus tard l'Inquisition, firent souche en Languedoc-Roussillon et dans le Pays basque français, ainsi que dans le Béarn". " French is the only official language of France, and is constitutionally required to be the language of government and administration. Bodleian Libraries. Starting around 1800, the historical evolution of the population in France has been atypical in Europe. [95], Immigrants by country of birth as of 2017:[96], According to Michèle Tribalat, researcher at INED, there were, in 1999, approximately 14 million persons of foreign ancestry (about a quarter of the population), defined as either immigrants or people with at least one immigrant parent or grandparent. Recent incidents, such as the 2005 civil unrest and Romani repatriation have shed light on France's immigration policies and how these are viewed globally, especially in congruence or discontinuity with the EU. Unlike the rest of Europe, there was no strong population growth in France in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. Paru le : Paru le 14/01/2020 Imprimer - January 2020 . In the ministry's 2010 report on professional inclusion for immigrants, 19.6% of immigrants without any education were unemployed while 16.1% of immigrants who had graduated high school were unemployed. Herkunft der … 2019 FILM Demographie-Kompetenzzentrum Oberfranken Das Projekt wird gefördert durch. Seit 2004 nimmt die Zahl der Rumänen und Bulgaren in Frankreich zu. The following table shows immigrants and second-generation immigrants by origin as of 2008 according to a study published by Insee in 2012. Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube de Boursorama ! "Les Gaulois figurent seulement parmi d'autres dans la multitude de couches de peuplement fort divers (Ligures, Ibères, Latins, Francs et Alamans, Nordiques, Sarrasins...) qui aboutissent à la population du pays à un moment donné ". If the identity of one parent (i.e., the father) is unknown, the other (the mother) originates from a risk region. Rosental, Paul-André: Von der historischen Demographie zur sozialen und politischen Bevölkerungsgeschichte in Frankreich nach 1945.; Lee, Robert: The development of population history ('historical demography') in Great Britian from the late nineteenth century to the early 1960s. Statistics on Spanish immigrants in France show a growth of 107 percent between 2009 and 2012, i.e. Also, due to more recent immigration, between five and six million people of Maghrebi origin[66] and approximately 800,000 Turks inhabit France. The 2019 population density in France is 119 people per Km 2 (308 people per mi 2), calculated on a total land area of 547,557 Km2 (211,413 sq. Dennoch gibt es Nachholbedarf bei der Kinderbetreuung und der Gleichstellung der Frauen in der Gesellschaft. 18/12/2020. Die zunehmende Langlebigkeit und Alterung der Bevölkerung sowie die … (IFRI) immigration expert, Christophe Bertossi, states that stigmatized as both a challenge to social cohesion and a "burden" for the French economy, family immigration is increasingly restricted and constructed as a racial issue. (20 May 2019) During the first quarter of 2019 (Apple’s second fiscal quarter), sales of the Apple iPhone decreased by 17 percent compared to the same quarter last year. Indonesien. Until 1795 metropolitan France was the most populous country of Europe, ahead of Russia, and the fourth most populous country in the world, behind only China, India and Japan; Between 1795 and 1866, metropolitan France was the second most populous country of Europe, behind Russia, and the fourth most populous country in the world, behind China, India and Russia (having become more populous than Japan during this period); Between 1866 and 1909, metropolitan France was the third most populous country of Europe, behind Russia and Germany; Between 1909 and 1933, metropolitan France was the fourth most populous country of Europe, behind Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom; between 1933 and 1991, metropolitan France was the fifth most populous country of Europe, behind Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy; Between 1991 and 2000, metropolitan France recovered its rank as the fourth most populous country of Europe, behind Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom; Since 2000, metropolitan France has recovered its rank as the third most populous country of Europe, behind Russia and Germany. Frankreich. [123], As mentioned above, the French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Codevelopment was created immediately following the appointment of Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France in 2007. FMH-Ärztestatistik 2019 – hohe Abhängigkeit vom Ausland Stefanie Hostettlera, Esther Kraftb a Dr. sc. $54.925 billion (2018 est.) The 2019 population report gives France's population estimated on January 1, 2020 and the evolution of population statistics since 1982: population on January 1, births, deaths, marriages. [39] Insgesamt 20 % der Bevölkerung stammen von jüngeren Einwanderungswellen ab. Frankreich verfügt über ein sehr gut ausgebautes soziales Sicherungsnetz, das durch hohe Steuern und Sozialabgaben finanziert wird. There is a rising cultural awareness of the regional languages of France, which enjoy no official status. However, immigration from Asia (especially China), as well as from Sub-Saharan Africa (Senegal, Mali) is gaining in importance. Statistics on Spanish immigrants in France show a growth of 107% between 2009 and 2012, from 5300 to 11,000 people. [1] [2] A presença humana lá parece ter sido contínua durante o Neolítico. Demographic statistics according to the World Population Review in 2020. Paris (French pronunciation: [paʁi] ) is the capital and most populous city of France , with an estimated population of 2,148,271 residents as of 2020, in an area of 105 square kilometres (41 square miles). Illegal immigration thus developed as immigration policy became more rigid. Si la France est un pays où le poids de l’agriculture dans l’économie est très important, force est de constater que les milieux ruraux se dépeuplent chaque année un peu plus : en 2019, la part de la population urbaine était écrasante et excédait les 80 %. [138][139], According to a 2008 study by Dutch geneticist Manfred Kayser, French people based on a sample from Lyon, showed genetic similarities to all Europeans especially the Swiss, Germans, Austrians, Italians, and Spaniards. [6], France was historically Europe's most populous country. Les Français ont en effet tendance à se rassembler dans les grandes agglomérations, comme par exemple en Île-de-France, où la densité de … France has not collected religious or ethnic data in its censuses since the beginning of the Third Republic, but the country's predominant faith has been Roman Catholicism since the early Middle Ages. In December 2020, the French business climate has bounced back strongly, the employment climate has recovered more moderately. 1,9 Kindern pro Frau, was mit relativ hohen Geburtenraten bei ethnischen Minderheiten und einer familienfreundlichen Politik erklärbar ist. It is based on fairly good data for the entire period. Demographie. Age structures of the France métropolitaine from the year 1740 to 1860. Again, as in the 1920s and 1930s, France stands in contrast with the rest of Europe. Schätzungen zufolge stammen bis zu 40 % der französischen Bevölkerung von den verschiedenen Einwanderungswellen, die das Land seit dem frühen 20. Between 2009–2012, the number of Europeans entering France increased sharply (plus 12% per year on average). Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. [75] By the end of the Spanish Civil War, some half-million Spanish Republican refugees had crossed 18/12/2020. Welche Auswirkungen hat das auf die französischen Gesellschaft? 1550 hatte Frankreich mit 19 % der Bevölkerung die höchste Alphabetisierung in Europa (in Italien lag sie bei 18 %, in Deutschland bei 16 % und in Schweden bei 1 %). A law from 1872 prohibits the French Republic from conducting a census by making any official distinction between its citizens in terms of race or religious beliefs, so French demographics can be a bit hard to … Since announcing its results for the second fiscal quarter, Apple's share price has also dropped six percent. While France was Europe's leading military power at the time of Louis XIV and then Napoleon, the country lost this advantage due to its relative demographic decline after 1800. einer halben Million Franzosen das Leben. [44], The scope of foreign origin can be estimated by the National Screening Program for Sickle Cell Disease because the genetic disease very rarely affects European people. France was also at the time the European country with the lowest fertility rate, which meant that the country had a very hard time recovering from the heavy losses of the war. Il n'y en avait guère qui, en remontant un peu, ne rencontrassent dans leur généalogie quelque grand-mère sarrasine ou juive.". Dans le département de la Creuse, dans les Hautes-Alpes, et notamment dans plusieurs localités situées autour de Montmaure (montagne des Maures), dans le canton de Baignes (Charente), de même que dans certains villages des Landes, du Roussillon, du Languedoc, du Béarn, les descendants des Arabes sont facilement reconnaissables.". Nevertherless, according to Justin Vaïsse, in spite of obstacles and spectacular failures like the riots in November 2005, in Parisian suburbs, where many immigrants live secluded from society with very few capabilities to live in better conditions, the integration of Muslim immigrants is happening as part of a background evolution[86] and recent studies confirmed the results of their assimilation, showing that "North Africans seem to be characterized by a high degree of cultural integration reflected in a relatively high propensity to exogamy" with rates ranging from 20% to 50%. [52] Die Lebenserwartung in Frankreich betrug 2017 im Durchschnitt 82,5 Jahre (Frauen: 85,7 Jahre/ Männer: 79,5 Jahre) und belegt damit einen weltweiten Spitzenplatz. (In fact, with its low birth rate, stagnating or declining native-born population, and role as a destination for migrants from other parts of Europe, France's situation before World War II was not unlike that of Germany today.). "The population of France in the eighteenth century." For the purpose of compatibility, all data refers to Metropolitan France, Source: UN World Population Prospects[30]. Third-generation immigrants, illegal immigrants, as well as ethnic minorities like black people from the French overseas territories residing in metropolitan France (800,000), Roms (500,000) or people born in Maghreb with French citizenship at birth (1 million Maghrebi Jews, Harkis and Pied-Noir) and their descendants, who are French by birth and not considered as immigrants or immigrant descendants, are not taken into account. Bevölkerungspyramiden: Frankreich - 2019. [101] The European Union allows free movement between the member states. In February, the Federal Reserve signaled that it will hold off on … On 18 January 2008, the government published a list of 150 job titles that were encountering difficult supply of labour. "Bien que le séjour des Arabes en France n'ait été constitué que par une série de courtes invasions, ils ont laissé des traces profondes de leur passage dans la langue, et [...] ils en ont laissé également dans le sang. How does France count its Muslim population? The following compares the past, present, and future size of the French population with other entities in Europe and in the world. 7,2 Millionen. Data on metropolitan France are available since 1946. Gibert M, Reviron D, Mercier P, Chiaroni J, Boetsch G. Institut national d'études démographiques, Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, Provisional Government of the French Republic, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Institut français des relations internationales, French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Codevelopment, United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, List of French people of immigrant origin, List of fifteen largest French metropolitan areas by population, "Espérance de vie à divers âges et taux de mortalité infantile, France", "Bilan démographique 2016 - Insee Première - 1630", "Qui sont les nouveaux immigrés qui vivent en France ? Italienisch war bis zum 9. This trend is also demonstrated in anti-immigrant sentiments among the public. Since the beginning of the 1990s, France has been attempting to curb immigration, first with the Pasqua laws, followed by both right-wing and socialist-issued laws. [8], As of 2008, the French national institute of statistics INSEE estimated that 11.8 million foreign-born immigrants and their direct descendants (limited to second-generation born in France) lived in France representing 19% of the country's population. [8] [28] Die Sprache spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der französischen Identität und Kultur und wurde durch das französische Kolonialreich in der gesamten Welt verbreitet, so dass sie heute zu den weltweit am meisten gesprochenen Sprachen gehört. France lost 10% of its active male population in World War I; the 1.3 million French deaths, along with even more births forgone by potential fathers being off at war, caused a drop of 3 million in the French population, and helped make Dénatalité a national obsession; by 1920 ANAPF had 40,000 members, and in July that year a new law strictly regulated abortion and contraception. Afghanistan Afrika Ägypten Albanien Algerien Amerikanische Jungferninseln Angola Antigua und Barbuda Äquatorialguinea Argentinien Armenien Aruba Aserbaidschan Asien Äthiopien Australien Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesch Barbados … Verschiedene Regionen spiegeln dieses vielfältige Erbe wider, mit bretonischen Einflüssen in Westfrankreich, aquitanischen im Südwesten, skandinavischen im Nordwesten, alemannischen im Nordosten und ligurischen Einflüssen im Südosten. Bevölkerung und Fläche der 28 Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union (Schätzung 1. Hence, by 1968, Sephardic North African Jews were the majority of the Jews in France. ), Portugiesisch (1,5 %, 0,96 Mio. One reason for this could be France's relatively high unemployment, which the country has struggled to reduce for the past two decades. France has the largest black population in Europe. Weiteren Zentren stellen die Mittelmeerküste mit den Hafenstädten Marseille und Nizza, der Großraum Lyon im Osten und die Region um Lille im Norden dar. These regional languages include the Langue d'oïl, Langue d'oc, Romance languages other than French, Basque, Breton and Germanic languages. [137], France has been influenced by the different human migrations that occurred throughout Europe over time. [85], The large-scale immigration from Islamic countries has sparked controversy in France. [53] Frankreich wendet einen Anteil von 11,5 % des Bruttoinlandsprodukt für sein Gesundheitssystem auf und belegt damit hinter der Schweiz den zweiten Rang in Europa. [citation needed] These percentages vary widely among French regions; for example, in 2015, screening suggested that only 8.1% of children born in Brittany had a parent originating from a sickle-cell risk region, while 73.4% of children born in Île-de-France (which includes Paris) did. [130] The report is being finalized at the end of December 2010 and will be most relevant to provide insight into further immigration policy analysis for the French government.