The slasher movie is so engrained in our movie culture, even non-slasher movies use some of the same techniques and tropes. Sometimes these movies can have a darker twist, but the idea is to lean on the natural conflict derived from the pursuit of intimacy and love. Das Drama ist nach antiker Definition eine Gattung der Dichtung und bezeichnet eine Handlung mit verteilten Rollen. The Blair Witch Project (1999), V/H/S (2012), The zombie movie has roots all the way back to the '30s but it didn't really kick into high gear until the late 1960s. → Morgan Freeman Occult movies are defined by an extension of pure reason and use paranormal themes to introduce elements of horror. Starship Troopers (1997), Arrival (2016). Ex. The political-drama sub-genre focuses on the complications and inherent drama that takes place inside the world of politics. Create script breakdowns, sides, schedules, storyboards, call sheets and more. Ex. Satire movies are the broadest of the three in that it mocks overall ideas, vices, human nature, institutions, or any number of concepts that don’t necessarily have a specific connection to another piece of art. Students describe their chosen films to each other. Emotions and intense situations are the focus, but where other genres might use unique or exciting moments to create a feeling, movies in the drama genre focus on common occurrences. Chappelle’s Show (2003), The Whitest Kids U’ Know (2006). Charakteristisch ist die Kürze des Gedichts, da dieses zumeist nicht mehr als vier Verszeilen hat. Neben den hier als Haupt-Genres aufgelisteten Bezeichnungen existiert noch eine Vielzahl weiterer Filmgenres. Some of Woody Allen's best movies redefined the genre. Ex. → Science-Fiction The other section is made up of fictional movies that are placed inside an accurate depiction of a historical setting. The Babadook (2014), Pumpkinhead (1988). The genres of films (by subject and themes) are also divided by iconography and film techniques into animated films genres, fictional genres, science fiction genres, space … DIE ZEIT, 28. Another way to frame it is a set of experiences that catalyze a descent into nihilism. → Fantasy The fantasy genre is defined by both circumstance and setting inside a fictional universe with an unrealistic set of natural laws. For more info on animation, you can dive deeper on the types of animation or see our list of the best animated movies of all time. Das verweißt den Zuschauer auf das Genre des Filmes. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), House of Cards (2013). Horrorfilme sprechen für gewöhnlich die Ängste der Zuschauer an und rufen Nervenkitzel hervor, den man im wirklichen Leben normalerweise nicht erfährt. They don’t mock the format, but rather use the format to mock. Auch die berühmten Schauspielikonen dieser Ära waren meist stark mit einem bestimmten Genre verknüpft, sodass das Publikum deren typische Rollen mit dem jeweiligen Genre in Verbindung brachte (im Gegensatz zu heute). High fantasy can also be referred to as epic fantasy, and introduces elements of fantasy in a fictional setting, and will include romance, battles, and mythical creatures. Die Folge ist ein einziges Chaos. Ex. Period pieces are merely defined by taking place in, and accurately depicting the time period as opposed to specific lives, events, or accounts. [1] Genre in Literatur und Film, das fantastische und magische Elemente enthält. The steampunk sub-genre is inspired by technology created during the 19th century and the industrial revolution and may be set in a speculative future, alternate universe, or revision of the 1800s. A modern melodrama is defined by the prioritization of dramatic rhetoric and plot over character. Ex. The intention of surrealist art is to act as an activity to broaden horizons, either of oneself or of others. Lately, we've seen a resurgence of the musical biopic (e.g., Rocketman, Judy, The Greatest Showman), and there isn't a more massive example than Bohemian Rhapsody. Puppetry animation is where puppets, including hand, stick, shadow, ventriloquist, and marionettes are used to tell a story. A mystery story is defined by the plot, and both the character’s and the viewer’s relationship with the motivations and reality behind the events that occur. Ex. These movies can take place in any time period and are only required to evoke terror through the use of ghosts. Ex. The Virgin Suicides (1999), Kids (1995). Occult literally translates into “hidden from view” and involves the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends scientific observation. A buddy comedy is defined by at least two individuals who we follow through a series of humorous events. Es scheint, als gäbe es unendlich viele Genres in der Literatur, aber in Wirklichkeit gibt es tatsächlich viele Untergattungen. The best crime movies often occupy moral gray areas where heroes and villains are much harder to define. Auf wollen wir Ihnen kurz und knapp in Form eines kleinen Lexikons die unterschiedlichen Filmgenres, die es so in der Filmwelt gibt, erklären. The animation genre is defined by inanimate objects being manipulated to appear as though they are living. Commando (1985), G.I. The Razor’s Edge (1984), I Heart Huckabees (2004). Ex. Ex. One deals with accurate representations of historical accounts which can include biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Die Vorarbeit: Den Film ansehen und Notizen machen. Because these films are defined by their ‘heritage’ they can also fall into many of the other western genres as long as they are Italian built. A sitcom (situational comedy) is defined by a set group of people who must navigate through humorous situations and misunderstandings. Eine Liste der wichtigsten Filmgenres mitsamt den dahinter stehenden Ideen und Konzepte wird im Folgenden vorgestellt. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009). The historical event genre focuses on a story that creates a dramatized depiction of an event that exists in popular accounts of history. Dark comedy (or Black Comedy) is defined by using attitudes and events that would normally be objectionable to set up humorous situations. Some of the best WWII movies include all of those elements. Automatisch ausgesuchte Beispiele auf Deutsch: „Da schimpft Sabine Postel noch über die Experimental-'Tatorte' und schon beißt eine Vampirin die Leute in Bremen tot.Als Genrefilm schlägt sich 'Blut' ganz wacker. Movies in the war genre center around large scale conflicts between opposing forces inside a universe that shares the same natural laws as our own. There are storytellers and filmmakers who live inside particular genres, and you may even hear some of them say, “I make genre movies.” This seems simple enough on the surface, but being a ‘genre storyteller’ requires you to fully understand what your specific genre means. The best horror movies are designed to get the heart pumping and to show us a glimpse of the unknown. Read up on How to Write a Screenplay. Ex. The historical genre can be split into two sections. There is, however, a natural overlap between style and genre in the best Film Noir movies. The central theme behind the noir sub-genre is a psychic imbalance that leads to self-hatred, aggression, or sociopathy. This can range anywhere from local government to national political climates. Beispiele für Subgenres: Antikfilm, Piratenfilm, Ritterfilm, Das Action-Filmgenre ist nach verwandt mit dem des Abenteuerfilms teilt mit diesem den hohen Stellenwert des Unterhaltungscharakters. -zeit, Erzählform, Stimmung oder die generelle Thematik handeln. Die Anzahl der im Laufe der Zeit konstruierten Genre-Bezeichnungen bewegt sich im hohen dreistelligen Bereich, was unter anderem durch das Bedürfnis bedingt ist, eine möglichst konkrete Aussage über Inhalt und Stil eines Films vorwegzunehmen (etwa in Fernsehzeitschriften). A film's main genre category will be based on where the majority of the content lands. These movies can also take place in any time period or setting, and their only real requirement is that the antagonist is can be categorized as a monster. Monsters like vampires, zombies, werewolves, or demons ar… Ex. He works as a writer, director, and content producer here at StudioBinder. This is different from tech-noir both due to scale and a strict time period. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) (1997), Supernatural (TV) (2005). Many of Darren Aronofsky's best movies explore the dark depths inside the broken psyche of his protagonists. The cyberpunk sub-genre is defined by a mixture of a desperate society oversaturated with the crime that takes place in a high tech world that includes cybernetic organisms, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. Unter dem Begriff Genre ( anhören?/i; französisch für Gattung, Mehrzahl: Genres) versteht man eine Ausprägung oder Klassifikation, mit der verschiedene Ausprägungen von Kunst, Film, Literatur und Musik[1] aber auch journalistische Darstellungsformen, nach dem räumlichen und zeitlichen Bezug des künstlerischen oder anders gearteten Inhalts eingeteilt werden. This includes any combination of gender or situation across the sexual spectrum with films that include some of the best romantic quotes ever written. Musicals can incorporate any other genre, but they incorporate characters who sing songs and perform dance numbers. Robin Hood (1973), The Flight of Dragons (1982). 12 Monkeys (1995), 28 Days Later (2002), The utopian genre is defined by the creator’s view of an idyllic world since each person has a unique view of what they deem to be the absence of struggle and incident, but generally, themes included in the movies are peace, harmony, and a world without hunger or homelessness. alle Filmgenres von A-Z. Filme, die den sogenannten Kerngenres wie Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Action, Thriller, Da… Aussprache: IPA: [ˈʒɑ̃ːʁəˌfɪlm] Hörbeispiele: Genrefilm Bedeutungen: [1] Film, der einer bestimmten Art von Filmen mit gemeinsamen Themen, Motiven oder visuellen Darstellungsformen zugerechnet wird. Very Bad Things (1998), Fargo (1996) and more of the best dark comedy movies ever made. Ex. Post-apocalyptic movies are based around the occurrence, effects, and struggle generated by an apocalyptic event. Beaches (1988), The Fault in our Stars (2012). Often, these movies will portray the outlaws in a somewhat favorable manner. Seine verwirrte Reaktion wird in einem Reverse-Shot gezeigt. Traditional animation is defined by hand-drawn and painted images that are assembled to animate a cartoon that tells a story. → Krimi Herkunft: aus dem englischen Sprachraum übernommen, dort zu fantasy → en „Fantasie“ [Quellen fehlen] Synonyme: [1] als Literaturgattung: Fantasy Fiction, Fantasyliteratur. Auch in anderen Filmkategorien können dramatische Elemente enthalten sein – so zum Beispiel Kriminalfilme, Horrorfilme oder auch Biografien. The Party (1968), Mouse Hunt (1997). The superhero movie is defined by characters not only with supernatural abilities but using those abilities for altruistic purposes. Movies in the adventure genre are defined by a journey, often including some form of pursuit, and can take place in any setting. Comedy can be found in most movies, but if the majority of the film is intended to be a comedy you may safely place it in this genre. The urban environment can be real, fictional, modern, or inspired by history, but the story must take place and deal with concepts and themes related to an urban environment. Auch herrscht Uneinigkeit darüber, ob der Film Noir beispielsweise ein Genre darstellt oder ob es sich dabei vielmehr um eine Stilrichtung handelt. You’re looking for a movie and TV genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has categories that are either too broad or so hyper-specific that it becomes overwhelming. The comedy genre is defined by events that are intended to make someone laugh, no matter if the story is macabre, droll, or zany. Horror films usually attempt to create a spooky, Halloween-like atmosphere in order to give audiences a sense of romantic wonder, mixed with a fear of the unknown and the supernatural. Outlining a fundamental problem of genre identification in relation to films… Ex. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll also include helpful examples for each along the way. Have students get into pairs. Ex. Gepaart ist dieses Genre beispielsweise mit Western, Gangsterfilmen, oder Komödien. No matter what the specific plot, the best thrillers get your heart racing. This action sub-genre is defined by values like duty, brotherhood, honor, redemption, and the protection of the vulnerable. Crime Film Genre List. It’s common for subject matter to be considered a genre in not only literature, but also in movies and even games, both of which are often based on or inspired by books. A spoof is broader than a parody because it mocks an entire genre or collection of similar, but separate works. Auf der Suche nach Utopie- & Dystopie-Filmen? Now that you have a better idea of movie categories and the various film and television genres, why not start writing your own story. Ex. A psychological thriller focuses and emphasizes the unstable psychological state of the characters inside the story. Oft ist die Geschichte in einem realen Umfeld angesiedelt und die Erforschung der im Mittelpunkt stehenden Personen wird von tief emotionalen oder sozialen Aspekten flankiert.Beispiele für Subgenres: Romanze, Psychodrama, Dokudrama, Gerichtsdrama, Melodram, Tragödie, Biopic. Sketch comedy is defined by a collection of separate situations, with no inherent connection to each other, and can include the use of parody, satire, spoof, and many other comedy sub-genres. Oberbegriffe: [1] Genre. Jedes Filmgenre weist in der Regel auch Subgenres auf oder kann mit anderen Filmgenres Überschneidungen bilden (Letzteres wird auch Genresynkretismus genannt ). A procedural is defined by following the established day-to-day events of investigating, solving, and prosecuting crime. The experimental genre is often defined by the idea that the work of art and entertainment does not fit into a particular genre or sub-genre, and is intended as such. A mystery story can often be connected to the crime genre, but may not involve or use law enforcement or the justice system as the main characters or backdrop for the story. Praktische Beispielsätze. The Passion of the Christ (2004), Silence (2013). Movies in the war genre may romanticize aspects of military action and camaraderie, but the purpose is to convey the reality that war brings. Ich fände es cool, wenn zu den verschiedenen genres im bereich pop/ rock/ metal etc. Damit wir mehr als unsere subjektiven Eindrücke wahrnehmen, müssen wir über einen Film nachdenken und ihn reflektieren.Wie genau das ablaufen sollte, erklären wir dir hier! The subjects must navigate a set of obstacles and avoid law enforcement, and often the “getaway” is incorporated.Ex. Most of James Cameron's best movies lean heavily on science fiction. Ex. A docudrama takes real-life accounts and recreates them in a way that attempts to accurately represent events while also realizing the dramatic potential of those events. The setting must be a historical time period, and often will adhere to the societal norms of the specific time period, though some movies have taken a more revisionist approach. Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat / federico stevanin / nuttakit / sattva / siraphat / Graeme Weatherston / pat138241 / Ideago / Boaz Yiftach / Victor Habbick / pixbox77 / franky242 /, → True Romance The courtroom sub-genre requires the majority of the story to take place inside, or support the events that are connected to a court case. Ex. Eine typische Handlung von Actionfilmen beinhaltet die Jagd oder Bekämpfung eines Bösewichts durch einen heldenhaften Protagonisten und ist gespickt mit rasanten Verfolgungsjagden, Stunts und Kampfszenen.Beispiele für Subgenres: Martial Arts-Film, Desasterfilm, Spionage-/Agentenfilm, Verlust, Tod, Glück und Verfolgung prägen häufig den Hintergrund eines Dramas. In the past, utopian movies have been tied to satire because the nature of a story is often conflict, and a utopian society is viewed as an unrealistic concept.