Please inform yourself here, which master coures are approval-free (ohne NC). Master of Science (M.Sc.) Welche Kriterien im Auswahlverfahren benutzt werden, ist nicht einheitlich geregelt und unterscheidete sich teilweise sogar innerhalb einer Hochschule von Studiengang zu Studiengang. Note: please use tab key to jump to the menu items. Master Verfahrensergebnisse. Noch mehr Fragen und Antworten findest du in den FAQ. Dementsprechend ist der Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität zu Köln konzipiert. The Master Information Systems is the springboard for your career: As a graduate in information systems with an interdisciplinary focus, you will be able to find attractive positions on the (IT) labour market as a broad-based specialist. Bildungswissenschaft - Lehren und Lernen Master of Arts (M.A.) Erfahren Sie alles Wichtige zum Master-Studium an der Philosophischen Fakultät Köln sowie Infos zu den Ein-Fach-, Zwei-Fach- und Verbundstudiengängen. I have lectures in business and in computer science – and what makes the University of Cologne unique is this combination of both fields! Nikolaus Schmidt ( … Students from many countries apply for admission to our Master of Science in Information Systems programme, so you can be sure of an international and intercultural enviroment. Uni-ASSIST Applicant Portal. You start with the certificate from the last school you graduated from (which entitles you to begin university studies in your home country) and continue up to the current state of progress in your university studies. B. den NC oder Details zum Auswahlverfahren der Universität zu Köln). Information Systems as a forward-thinking science: As an information systems specialist, you will have the double qualification from the fields of business management and computer science that is often required in the labour market. Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Information of the WiSo Faculty Library Service regarding COVID19, Business Education and Economic Spaces (BEES), Master programmes scheduled for discontinuation, The WiSo Faculty Dean’s List – the award for excellent students, Application Procedure for Master's Programmes, Studies Examination Regulations 2007/2008, ERSP - Ex­cel­lent Re­se­arch Sup­port Pro­gram, Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in the Crafts Sector, Institute for Bank Management and Banking Law, Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS), Practical Orientation of our Study Programmes, Research transfer, start-up and innovation, Lifelong learning and scientific further education, "Niemals geht man so ganz" – Die Examensfeier der WiSo-Fakultät, Career Service of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Ranking overview of the University of Cologne, [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] WiSo IT-ServicesEntwurf. On StuDocu you find all the study guides, past exams and lecture notes for this module. change language Das heißt: Wenn du ab dem nächsten Semester an der Uni Köln den Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik studieren willst, können die dann ermittelten Auswahlgrenzen eventuell auch stark von denen der hier angezeigten Semester abweichen.Weitere Informationen zu diesem Thema findest du im Artikel "Wie hoch ist der NC zum nächsten Semester?". Biologie An der Uni Köln kannst du neben Wirtschaftsinformatik auch die Studiengänge Europäische Archäologie, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Biologie, Biochemie oder Chemie studieren und dich um einen Studienplatz in einem dieser Studienfächer bewerben. Date Rating. Information systems can lead to innovation in products, processes and business models. Master of Education / (Teaching Degree) Berufskolleg: Open Admission 1: This major has to be combined with one of these minors: Pflanzenwissenschaften (Pflanzenbau) Tierwissenschaften (Tierhaltung) Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus ; Agricultural and Food Economics: Master of Science / Single Subject: Local NC (Special selection) Double degree possible. DeutschDeutschEnglish. If you’re already studying Information Systems and would like to find out more about specific details of your master programme, you’ll find what you’re looking for on the Master in Information Systems Programme Structure pages.. Lecture notes. 961 likes. Please click on the picture above to get detailed information about the admission procedure, admission deadlines and required documents! Since information systems specialists work in many areas and sectors, you will serve as an “interpreter” between the language of business and the technical world of systems. Wie die Uni Köln dies handhabt, findest du im Abschnitt "Erläuterungen zu den Kriterien im Auswahlverfahren" auf der Überblicksseite zur Uni Köln erklärt. Application in the case of unfinished Bachelor studies: In cases where present Bachelor studies have not been fully completed, application is permitted if the candidate has earned at least 80% of the required credits and will have achieved the remaining results by 30 September at the latest. In addition, there are many creative media agencies and a lively event scene. The interdisciplinary field of information systems has its roots in computer science, economics, and particulary business administration. Wie muss man sich um einen Studienplatz bewerben? Authenticated documents required for the Master's online application portal by the WiSo Faculty: Students who did not obtain their bachelor’s degree in Germany have to apply additionally via uni-assist. November 2020. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Unser Master Wirtschaftsinformatik (M.Sc.) Um die aktuellen Auswahlgrenzen besser einordnen zu können, solltest du sie auch mit den Ergebnissen aus früheren Semestern vergleichen, um die Entwicklung des Numerus Clausus besser einschätzen zu können. Für viele Führungspositionen unterschiedlichster Branchen und für bestimmte Berufswege in Forschung und Lehre ist ein Master sogar unerlässlich. We are currently revising the following contents. Some of our graduates choose to specialise further and work as, for instance, data analysts, data scientists, or entrepreneurs. UNI-NC = Auswahlverfahren durch die Universität, da zulassungsbeschränktes Fach (Ergebnisse Örtliches Auswahlverfahren der letzten Semester). Until 15 June 2020 you may interrupt editing your online application, save it and continue at a later date. Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zu den Masterstudiengängen an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln. How do I shape and control digital innovations? Zusätzlich wurde an der Uni Köln bei der Vergabe von 60% der Studienplätze in Wirtschaftsinformatik auch die Vergabe nach dem Auswahlverfahren der Hochschule angewandt. Selbstverständlich findest du auch für jedes hier genannte Studienfach die Auswahlgrenzen (wie z. Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus Clausus bei Wirtschaftsinformatik im Wintersemester 2019/2020 und Sommersemester 2020; mit Bewerbungsfristen und Archiv seit 2014. Our alumnus Simon Marqua studied Information Systems in Cologne. Requirements a. year. Dir gefällt diese Seite? über unseren WiSo-Career-Service. Our faculty has benefited from many years of experience working with companies and with visiting lecturers from a variety of professional fields. I feel more comfortable in English but … – Studis Online-Forum We are happy to supervise a Master thesis jointly with our partner companies and also with new partners. Already during your studies, you can find contact with well-known employers (overview). Main Navigation. HRSGe = Lehramt an Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- und Gesamtschulen The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. As a graduate in the interdisciplinary field of information systems, you will find attractive positions that call for your skills as a broad-based specialist. Log in. Our leading partners in industry, ranging from large insurance companies to mid.sized software-developement companies, value our graduates as they are ready for action. ), Übersicht der NC-Werte für den Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik ». You can take a look at the courses being offered by Uni Köln and choose the one(s) you wish to apply for. Falls du das Gefühl hast, dass eine deiner Fragen auf dieser Seite nicht beantwortet wurde: das ist bei der Komplexität des Themas normal! In addition, our information system specialists are involved in spin-offs and start-ups, or build up their own business. Informationen dazu findest du auch in unseren Literaturtipps.hier klicken », © 2010 – 2020. How can organisations’ processes, products and services be digitised? B. Numerus Clausus und Wartesemester) sind in der unten folgenden Tabelle aufgeführt. Master in Information Systems Programme Structure pages. Bioinformatik und Systembiologie * Master of Science (M.Sc.) As the University of Cologne is state-funded, there are no tuition fees, just a biannual “semester contribution” of slightly more than 250 euros, which includes the semester ticket for public transport throughout North Rhine-Westphalia. Mit dem Master of Arts in Politikwissenschaft an der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität zu Köln erweitern Sie Ihre Qualifikationen und werden zum Experten oder zur Expertin in Ihrem Bereich. All applicants for a master study place in Business Administration, Economics, Health Economics, Information Systems, Political Science as well as Sociology and Social Research including our Double Master’s Programmes (DMP) must submit their application via this portal. The German course takes 1 or max. Applicants for the other master’s programmes apply via uni-assist until 20 August 2020 (date of receipt). In the metropolitan area of ​​Cologne, 45,000 people employed in the communications and media industry, and 11,000 work in information technology sector. Many of Cologne’s graduates already have very good business contacts before completing their studies. 2 semesters. Nach dem Bachelor können Sie im weiterführenden Masterstudiengang Information Systems Ihre Fachkenntnisse wissenschaftlich vertiefen und erweitern. Probiere es aus! The admission results will be published here mid-September. Universität zu Köln Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik Current Topics in IT-Outsourcing & Global Software Development Master Information Systems - Hauptseminar Winter Term 2016/2017 Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz ( Ansprechpartner: Dipl. Erläuterungen. Welcome to Cologne University's online application service! Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität zu Köln Bitte beachte, dass die Werte für den Numerus Clausus und die Wartesemester in jedem Bewerbungsverfahren neu ermittelt werden. * For the DMP in European Studies you additionally need to apply at Maastricht University. Students will learn how to use the statistic tool SAS and how to handle data sets in order to conduct own empirical work and to critically analyze empirical studies. Studying Wirtschaftsinformatik at Universität zu Köln? It is one of the best ranked information systems research institutions worldwide (e.g., based on rankings of the AIS 8 journals over the past five years 41st worldwide, 7th in Europe and 2nd in Germany). International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo), German language skills (C1) and English language skills (B2), specifications on the allocation of courses to the subject areas, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, German Rectors' Conference Audit Internationalization, German Rectors' Conference Communication Prize. Altogether an area of 24 credit points has to be completed, in which modules from business administration, economics and social sciences are available to students. Current changes with regard to the Corona Pandemic are summarised here. How is information systems research carried out? Created: 10. Die Auswahlgrenzen wie NC und Wartesemester für die Bewerbungsverfahren vor dem Wintersemester 2017/2018 lagen bei diesen Werten: Im Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik gibt es nicht nur an der Uni Köln sondern auch an anderen Hochschulen einen Numerus Clausus. The lecturers of the CIIS provide teaching services on an equal footing with research in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes operated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as in postgraduate continuing education, including the Cologne Business School. Since many of our courses are delivered in English, you can complete most of the programme in English. How can business and IT strategies be effectively combined in practice? As the University of Cologne is state-funded, there are no tuition fees - just a biannual "semester contribution" of a little more than 250 euros - so you can invest in an excellent education - and your future - without paying a fortune. The admission results of the last selection procedures can be found here. Alles zur Universität zu Köln und ihren 213 Studiengängen. Die Numerus Clausus für den Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik besteht an der Universität nicht erst seit diesem Semester. Join our partner institution ifs internationale filmschule köln ifs internationale filmschule köln ; Diese Seite auf Deutsch ansehen . Because of their broad-based, specialised education, our graduates can work in any field and in any position related to IT and economics, including  IT consultantcies. The Master’s degree is even indispensable for many leading positions in the most diverse of sectors, and for specific career paths in research and teaching. 1. Degree. The Supplementary Section serves as an additional section to develop a more specific profile – either by deepening and specialising or by diversifying knowledge. Wir bieten dir daher zwei Möglichkeiten an, deine Frage zu beantworten: zum einen haben wir eine ausführliche Rubrik mit häufig gestellten Fragen zu Themen wie Numerus Clausus, Wartesemestern oder Auswahlverfahren. Purpose to study at the University of Cologne finishing the following degree: Master. ... oder einem Abschluss mit dreijähriger Berufstätigkeit im IT-Umfeld, können Sie den „Master Wirtschaftsinformatik“ an der RFH Köln in vier Semestern (120 CP) studieren. nach oben, Auswahlgrenzen wie Numerus Clausus & Wartesemester vieler Studiengänge (Jura, BWL, Biologie etc. Empfehlungen der Uni Klinik Köln (Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie) zum Umgang mit Corona https: ... Das Seminar "Introduction to Museum Anthropology" (Master interdisziplinär) wird voraussichtlich semi-virtuell mit Präsenzterminen im Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum stattfinden. Applicants with a degree of a German university (Bachelor or equivalent, graded 2.5 or better) complete the application form for the Master of Science in Biological Sciences.At least 80% of the maximum Bachelor (or equivalent) credits need to be certified as of the application deadline.. 2. Please note, you have to document your education in detail. Start Information FAQ Application The selection process for fall 2020/21 is closed. The Core and Advanced Section of the master programme Information Systems contains 18 credit points. Die nach dem Auswahlverfahren ermittelten Grenzwerte für die einzelnen Vergabeverfahren (z. Vorlesungsmitschriften - Vorlesung 1 - 11, Thema 1 - 4 - Ws1213. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie die aktuellen und vergangenen Verfahrensergebnisse der Masterzulassung an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln. Wir bieten Hochschulen verschiedene Werbemöglichkeiten - auch auf dieser Seite. Universität zu Köln Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik Financial Services 4.0 – Shaping the Digital Future of Banking Master Information Systems - Hauptseminar Winter Term 2017/2018 Organizers: Dr. Nikolaus Schmidt ( … Please note the specifications on the allocation of courses to the subject areas. NC: 2,0 bis 3,0 / WS: 8 WS mit 2,5 NC bis 8 WS mit 3,6 NC / intern: 2,7 NC mit 2 WS bis 3,1 NC Mögliche Kombinationen der Fächer untereinander beachten ( hier nicht dargestellt) / “-” = Fach wird nicht angeboten / Die Werte beziehen sich auf das letzte Wintersemester 2011/2012 bzw. At least 20 ECTS credits in Information Systems, At least 30 ECTS credits in Business Administration and Economics, Become an information system specialist with a highly sought-after double qualification in business administration and computer science, Enjoy fascinating lectures from a top-ranked, inspiring faculty, Investigate key issues like big data, digital transformation, and IT-based innovation in products, processes and business models, Invest in yourself while gaining practical expertise and mastering theoretical methods on the university level, Develop the entrepreneurial skills you need to find and shape IT-based business solutions. Master Thesis Template: Frequently Ask Questions Q1 Can I write my master thesis with a company? Information on the application process and deadlines can be found on the. Applied Natural Sciences Architecture and Civil Engineering Computer Science Culture and Society Economics and Business Engineering Environment and Energy Information and Communication. Thorugh your direct contact with the institute's professors, you will have learned from the best, as professors in Cologne Institute for Information Systems rank among the top scholars in theier fields. Bachelor's degree Master's degree. Da die Höhe des Numerus Clausus und der Wartesemester in diesem Studiengang an jeder Hochschule individuell bestimmt wurden, können die Ergebnisse der Bewerbungs­verfahren dort deutlich von den Auswahlgrenzen an der Uni Köln abweichen. Our graduates are also involved in start-ups, so if you are interested in setting up your own enterprise, you can count on the university's support. GyGe = Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen. Wirt-Inf. Der Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität zu Köln war im Wintersemester 2017/2018 zulassungsbeschränkt. The documents will only be checked if the fee has been paid. Auf der folgenden Seite lassen haben wir alle aktuell erfassten Grenzwerte zusammengefasst: Übersicht der NC-Werte für den Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik ». 1. 2. Monatliche Kosten: € 535. Dazu zählen unter anderem die Uni Hamburg, die Uni Münster und die Uni Essen-Duisburg. Biochemistry and Biophysics Master of Science (M.Sc.) The Cologne Institute of Information Systems (CIIS) is part of the WiSo Faculty of the University of Cologne. BK = Lehramt an Berufskollegs. Welche Studiengänge vergibt die Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung / ZVS? Please pay attention to the additional application documents and the different application deadline of Maastricht University. Detailed information concerning the curricular design is available on our homepage on the Programme Structure pages. This course focuses on empirical methods applied widely in financial research as well as in practice. The interdisciplinary field of information systems has its roots in computer science, economics, and particulary business administration. These professionals and managers bring highly relevant industry experience to the programme, resulting in sector-specific, up-to-date programme content that combines practice and theory and reflects the real world. Our will not only gain an understanding of these issues, but also develop the skills to find and shape business solutions. Master Application Portal winter 2020/2021. G = Lehramt an Grundschulen. Many of our graduates have developed good business contacts even before completing their studies. If you are interested in doing your own business, you will be supported by the university. The following documents are required: If you have any questions, please contact the WiSo Student Service Point. University; Universität zu Köln; Wirtschaftsinformatik; Documents Group New feature; Followers . The Specialisation Section, where students altogether complete 48 credit points, includes modules from information systems and computer sciences as well as two specialisation seminars. The admission requirements must be fulfilled until the application deadline: At least 30 ECTS credits in Informatics and/or Mathematics and/or Statistics. La campagne supplémentaire pour la Licence professionnelle Métiers d... Calendrier : Nouvelle campagne du : 14/12/2020 au 31/01/2021 Dépôt des dossiers : Du 14/12 au 23/12 : accueil du CFA SUP Du … Furthermore, you have to hand in all documents in original language and additionally in sworn translation either in German or in English language. January 2017, changed: 19. Wirtschaftsinformatik und Maschinelles Lernen, Universität Hildesheim ... Master Thesis Template : Please follow the following template for writing your master thesis. Sign in Register; Wirtschaftsinformatik. Zudem wird dir gern zu allen Themen der Studienwahl im Forum geholfen. Wie hoch ist der NC zum nächsten Semester? 1. So, with us, you can invest in an excellent education – and your professional future – without paying a fortune. Special emphasis is on broadcasting (WDR, Deutschlandradio, RTL, Super RTL, VOX and n-tv), telecommunications and entertainment. Die Hochschule unterstützt Sie in Ihren Ambitionen, z.B. If the number of applicants meeting the admission criteria exceeds the number of places available for this course of study, a selection procedure is initiated for the purpose of ranking these applicants. Information Systems support decision-making about value-adding processes ant the coordination, control, monitoring automation, integration, and virtualisation of such processes. The specific admission criteria governing the designated course of study (including the overall grade) must already have been fulfilled on the basis of the exam results available at the time of application. Close exchange with business and industry: Cologne as an important media and IT city is an interesting location for students of information systems with regard to future job opportunities. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Topics. Standard period of study: 4 semesters, full-time | Start: fall term | Degree title: Master of Science The master's programe carries 120 ECTS credits and compromises a Core and Advanced Section, a Specialisation Section, a Supplementary Section and a Master Thesis. 2. This area covers the methodological and content-specific basics of information systems. Especially at the beginning of your studies, individual consultations will help to make the right choices over the course of the programme. Course description and objectives. Informationen zur Scorebildung finden Sie in diesem Dokument. Biologie Master of Education (M.Ed.) b. Dann freuen wir uns über deine positive Bewertung und eine Weiterempfehlung in einem sozialen Netzwerk deiner Wahl – und gern auch offline! Good German language skills (completed level B2) c. A formal university entrance qualification for Master studies at the University of Cologne. Kölner Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Cologne, Germany. The procedure is based on the grade earned in the Bachelor’s degree or a course of study deemed equivalent. Jetzt informieren », Die richtige Studienwahl will gut überlegt sein, schließlich prägt sie mindestens die nächsten Jahre, wenn nicht das ganze Berufsleben. We maintain cooperation with more than 130 partner universities throughout the world, so there are many opportunities to experience a semester abroad. Zusätzlich wurde an der Uni Köln bei der Vergabe von 60% der Studienplätze in Wirtschaftsinformatik auch die Vergabe nach dem Auswahlverfahren der Hochschule angewandt. Welche Kriterien im Auswahlverfahren benutzt werden, ist nicht einheitlich geregelt und unterscheidete sich teilweise sogar innerhalb einer Hochschule von Studiengang zu Studiengang. Jetzt informieren! Vwl Master Studium Uni Köln oder FU Berlin: Hello people, My post will be in English but feel free to answer in German. Prepare a curriculum vitae (CV, in English). The application documents must be submitted to uni-assist 8 weeks before the application deadline. If you’re already studying Information Systems and would like to find out more about specific details of your master programme, you’ll find what you’re looking for on the Master in Information Systems Programme Structure pages. The Cologne exhibition "Koelnmesse" is the fourth largest in the world and is home to Gamescom, the leading trade fair for interactive games and entertainment. We look forward to receiving your application! What organisational structures, processes and systems are required for IT management in today’s world? More information and offers can be found at the International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo). Home; News The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. How do I create a successful IT start-up? All current information will be available at the end of January 2021 at the latest. Information Systems provide the theoretical and methodological tools for dealing with key issues such as big data and digital transformation as well as innovation in IT products, processes and business models.