Windows 10. Deploy Feature Updates for Windows Insider to your target collection just like any other upgrade. No. Software updates metadata is retrieved during the synchronization process in Configuration Manager based on the settings that you specify in the Software Update Point component properties. SharePoint. We have mixed of Windows 10 Pro 1703, 1709, 1803, 1903 machines. This change caused you to do a number of manual steps to ensure that your clients see these updates. These new features will remain dormant until they are turned on through … Pendant le processus de synchronisation, les métadonnées des mises à jour logicielles pour les classifications spécifiées sont synchronisées.During the synchronization process, the software updates metadata for the specified classifications are synchronized. The updates have different titles and applicability rules for each OS version. It's highly recommended to upgrade or migrate to a current version of the operating systems as soon as possible to receive client management support. Utilisez la procédure de cette section uniquement sur le site de niveau supérieur. Been using WSUS for so many years and never learned this. Si vous utilisez actuellement WS… Les mises à jour ont des titres et des règles d’applicabilité différents pour chaque version du système d’exploitation. Windows 10 GDR-DU LP. Client management features not related to Windows software update management or OS deployment will no longer be tested on the operating systems covered under the ESU program and we don't guarantee that they'll continue to function. The update is named Feature Update to Windows 10, version 1909. Windows 10 and later upgrade drivers. For example, if Windows Server 2012 is the only operating system that you selected, and if a software update applies to Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, both products are displayed in the Configuration Manager console. I will be upgrading the admin machines to Windows 10 1703 education version over the summer and planning … Open WSUS administrator console, go to Options > Products and Classifications. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Yes. Quand vous approuvez les mises à jour des fonctionnalités pour Windows 10 version 1909, différentes options sont visibles : When you approve feature updates for Windows 10, version 1909, there are a few different options you'll see: Les clients Windows 10 version 1903 se voient proposer un, Windows 10, version 1903 clients are offered an. I would like to hear from experts here what are the settings that I need to choose to receive the monthly updates plus the future upgrades. Recherchez les termes « enablement » (« activation ») ou « 4517245 ». Start software updates synchronization to retrieve software updates based on the new criteria. The lack of documentation does not make it easy to make the right choice. This update will automatically synchronize with WSUS if you configure Products and Classifications as follows: Product: Windows 10, version 1903 and later versions. And in the Products tab, check both Windows 10 and Windows 10, version 1903 and later options. Update in WSUS for the new Microsoft Edge for Windows 10, version 1809, 1903, 1909, and 2004: October 29, 2020 Applies to: Windows 10 version 1809 all editions, Windows 10 version 1903 all editions, Windows 10 version 1909 all editions, Windows 10 version 2004 all editions, Edge for Windows Antworten. Pour configurer des classifications et des produits à synchroniser, To configure classifications and products to synchronize. Start software updates synchronization to retrieve software updates based on the new criteria. Both the enablement package and the traditional feature update for Windows 10, version 1909 will show as "Installed" in reporting, regardless of which path was used to install it. This behavior started with Feature Updates for Windows 10 version 1903. This update is only available through the other release channels. There's like a dozen Windows 10 Products you can pick from. Randnotiz:Die GPO ist bereits so eingestellt, dass ausschließlich über den WSUS die Updates bezogen werden, nicht jedoch im LAN (peer to peer), oder per Internet. Configuration Manager provides the ability to synchronize software updates with the following update classifications: You can select the Include Microsoft Surface drivers and firmware updates checkbox to synchronize Microsoft Surface drivers. Alors que les produits couverts par le programme ESU ne sont plus pris en charge pour une utilisation avec Configuration Manager, la dernière version publiée de Configuration Manager Current Branch peut être utilisée pour déployer et installer les mises à jour de sécurité Windows publiées dans le cadre du programme.While products that are covered under the ESU program are no longer supported for use with Configuration Manager, the latest released version of Configuration Manager current branch can be used to deploy and install Windows security updates released under the program. This includes any products that are covered under the ESU program. ; When Products Classifications opens, on the Products tab scroll down to the Windows group. Ca ferait gagner pas mal de place. An example of a product family is Windows, of which Windows Server 2012 is a member. ; Within the Windows group, locate and check the following: Windows 10, version 1903 and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers The update will automatically synchronize with WSUS if you have the Windows 10, version 1903 and later product and Upgrades classification selected for synchronization. Si vous utilisez Configuration Manager 1902 avec des clients Windows 10 version 1903, vous devez :If you are using Configuration Manager 1902 with Windows 10,version 1903 clients, you'll need to: À partir de septembre 2019, vous pouvez mettre à jour des appareils exécutant des préversions de Windows Insider et assurer leur maintenance avec Configuration Manager.Starting in September 2019, you can service and update devices running Windows Insider Preview builds with Configuration Manager. With Windows 10 we are having trouble getting patches from WSUS. – [Help] ergänzt um WSUS GPO Informationen – [Help] Infos zu Windows und WSUS Versionen – [Help] erweiterte „WSUS Hilfe“ – ergänzt um erweiterte Versions Info: BulidLabEx – Auswertung von Anti Virus Regkey – Aktualisierung des Microsoft WSUS Script: .\Bin\ResetWUEng.cmd auf Version In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Administration > Site Configuration > Sites. S’applique à : Configuration Manager (Current Branch)Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch). Windows 10, version 1903 et ultérieure a été ajouté à Microsoft Update en tant que tel, et non pas comme faisant partie du produit Windows 10, comme cela a été le cas des versions antérieures.Windows 10, version 1903 and later was added to Microsoft Update as its own product rather than being part of the Windows 10 product like earlier versions. Plus le nombre de produits que vous sélectionnez est important, plus la durée de synchronisation des mises à jour logicielles est longue.The more products that you select, the longer it takes to synchronize software updates. Use the procedure from this section only on the top-level site. Azure Active Directory. Products and product families that are released after Configuration Manager is released might not be available to select until you complete software updates synchronization, which updates the list of available products and product families from which you can choose. WSUS: Which classifications do you synchronize? If you enable a software update point on a computer running Windows Server 2012 after you enable Surface drivers, the scan results for the driver updates are not accurate. It comes with some cool features and include performance improvements, enterprise features and quality enhancements. Les fonctionnalités de gestion des clients non liées à la gestion des mises à jour logicielles Windows ou au déploiement du système d’exploitation ne sont plus testées sur les systèmes d’exploitation couverts par le programme ESU. On the Classifications tab, specify the software update classifications for which you want to synchronize software updates. Ces mises à jour s’affichent dans la console Configuration Manager. For example, if Windows Server 2012 is the only operating system that you selected, and if a software update applies to Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, both products are displayed in the Configuration Manager console. Starting in September 2019, you can service and update devices running Windows Insider Preview builds with Configuration Manager. Both the enablement package and the traditional feature update for Windows 10, version 1909 will show as "Installed" in reporting, regardless of which path was used to install it. Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. If you want to distribute updates for Windows 10 with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), you will find a long list under Products and Classifications for this OS. Il inclut des correctifs de sécurité critiques et/ou importants (définis par le Centre de réponse aux problèmes de sécurité Microsoft (MSRC)) pendant trois ans maximum après la date de fin du support étendu du produit.It includes Critical and/or Important security updates (as defined by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)) for a maximum of three years after the product's End of Extended Support date. The latest released version can also be used to deploy Windows 10 to devices running Windows 7. Dynamic Update automatically installs critical updates, including the latest Cumulative Update, directly from Microsoft Update. No. Une fois les mises à niveau de Windows Insider synchronisées, vous pouvez les voir dans Bibliothèque de logiciels > Maintenance de Windows 10 > Toutes les mises à jour Windows 10.Once the upgrades for Windows Insiders are synchronized, you can see them from Software Library > Windows 10 Servicing > All Windows 10 Updates. From WSUS console, click Options.Then click Products Classifications. Both of these versions are serviced with the same cumulative updates. Azure Databases. We will deploy Feature Update to Windows 10 version 1909 using SCCM. Vos sites et points de mise à jour logicielle doivent exécuter au moins WSUS 6.2 avec le, Your software update points and sites must run a minimum of WSUS 6.2 with the, Pour plus d’informations sur l’installation de cette mise à jour et d’autres mises à jour dans le cadre de, For more information about installing this update and other updates for.